Bumper Crop of Roses
“Everyone wants to be successful and happy,” cried Rose Head. Rose Head had spent hours arguing with his mother to let him move to a new planet that scientists had just discovered. It was far from livable yet; the European Southern Observatory in Chile used their ‘Very Large Telescope to capture its birth while Rose Head and his mother sat in their kitchen arguing. It could take many light years for Rose Head to get there, but he wanted the ‘first man to grow roses’ on this new planet. The planet was rising around a star called AB Aurigae that is about 2.4 times the sun's mass and located in our Milky Way galaxy 520 light-years from Earth.
His mother knew Rose Head well and had seen him through various failed businesses. “What is wrong with growing roses on this planet” was his mother’s bone of contention. Rose Head did not know the answer to that, but he knew he and his rose crop will be a big success on this new planet which did not even have a name yet. He was very ambitious with very little to show for it; his last few rose crops hardly hit the market because he slept through the harvest. So he was really counting on this other planet that would let him harvest a bumper crop of roses while he slept. He sometimes wished that he was a cat to sleep all day, and his caretaker could instead plant and harvest the crop. But he never told his current caretaker, his mother, that such a thought crossed his mind. As long as he lived on this planet, he had to continue coming up with resourceful ideas to discuss over the dinner table.
Tomorrow he will call a Cat Adoption Agency to understand how cats can be trained to harvest roses.